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Let not a tear be shed!
In the days that are gone, by this sweet-flowing water,
On old Long Island's sea-girt shore
John was thought both rich and great--
(Spoken by Mrs. Hilson.)
(Spoken by Mrs. Chapman.)
(Spoken by Mrs. Sharpe)
Love left one day his leafy bower,
When life looks drear and lonely, love,
Pull away merrily--over the waters!
The pride of all our chivalry,
Come to me in cherry-time,
Deliver us from evil, Heavenly Father!
First they said it would not do;
'Tis the opinion of the town
All that's beautiful in woman,
Fare thee well, love!--We must sever!
* * * * * *
"Man dieth and wasteth away,
I love the night when the moon streams bright
I never have been false to thee!--
I'm with you once again, my friends,
He died, as he had lived, beloved,
He was the pulse-beat of true hearts,
She heard the fight was over,
Jeannie Marsh of Cherry Valley,
Old Cotton is king, boys--aha!
Lady of England--o'er the seas
UP, UP WITH THE SIGNAL!--The land is in sight!
Ho! brothers--come hither and list to my story--
How sweet the cadence of his lyre!
The knell was tolled--the requiem sung,
O Love! the mischief thou hast done!
When Love in myrtle shades reposed,
Look from thy lattice, love--
"Lord of the castle! oh, where goest thou?
Adapted to a Hungarian melody.
Love thee, dearest?--Hear me.--Never
Thanks for your stanzas, Lucy,
When I was in my teens,
One balmy summer night, Mary,
Our Order, like the ark of yore,
The wind-harp has music it moans to the tree,
My bark is out upon the sea--
Suggested by a popular German melody.
This book is all that's left me now!--
Here upon the mountain-side
Freedom spreads her downy wings
When winter's cold and summer's heat
Near the lake where drooped the willow,
(Address of the carrier of the New-York Mirror, on the first day of the year.)
I'm single yet--I'm single yet!
Some spirit wafts our mountain lay--
(Music by Balfe.)
Oh, think of me, my own beloved,
Music--"Jess Macfarlane."
Oh, would that she were here,
After life's eventful mission,
I know that thou art mine, my love,
To me the world's an open book
Two children of the olden time
I miss thee from my side, beloved,
Before the Battle.
She loved him--but she heeded not--
Where is now my peace of mind?
In the ranks of Marion's band,
Joyous the carol that rings in the mountains,
I'm the Iron Needle-Woman!
In Imitation of the Lays of the Olden Time.
While before St. Agnes' shrine
'Twas night. Near the murmuring Saone,
(Written for the lady by whom it was sung.)
Thank God for pleasant weather!
Beside a cottage-door,
The moon and all her starry train
I never could find a good reason
Upon the barren sand
The Colonel!--Such a creature!
Hard by I've a cottage that stands near the wood--
Written at the request of the corporation of the city of New York.
Suggested by a scene in the play of the hunchback.
"I suppose she was right in rejecting my suit,
Unseal the city fountains,
I've had the heart-ache many times,
Love can not be the aloe-tree,
As streams at morn, from seas that glide,
From Cypress and from laurel boughs
"A song for our banner?"--The watchword recall
Upon the couch of death,
A merry life does the hunter lead!
I glory in the sages
An Opera in Three Acts.
[Founded upon a well-known tale from the pen of the late William Leggett, Esq.]
Written for the freemasons of St. John's Lodge No. 1, New York.
Like flights of singing-birds went by
In the upper circles
William was holding in his hand
She left the port in gallant style,
Once in a time old Johnny Bull
An ivy-mantled cottage smiled,
The shades of evening closed around
Old Nick, who taught the village-school,
A rock in the wilderness welcomed our sires,
The spring-time of love
You remember--don't you, brother--
(Written upon the return of General Scott from his brilliant Mexican campaign.)
Oh, sing once more those dear, familiar lays,
The morning is breaking--
The star of love now shines above,
Wealth sought the bower of Beauty,
Through the streets of New York City,
The sword of the hero!
I knew a sweet girl, with a bonny blue eye,
The heart that owns thy tyrant sway,
To meet, and part, as we have met and parted,
"The plaint of the wailing Whip-poor-will,
Thou hast woven the spell that hath bound me,
Searcher of Hearts!--from mine erase
The fountains serenade the flowers,
Georgie, come home!--Life's tendrils cling about thee,
The woods waved welcome in the breeze,
'Twas in the flush of summer-time,
This word beyond all others,
Song and Chorus.
Come, come to me, love!
To know a man well, it is said, Walter Gay,
A monument to Washington?
Fare thee well--we part for ever!
(Music by Russell.)
Wearies my love of my letters?
My Mary's voice!--It is the hour
Love comes and goes like a spell!
Droop not, brothers!
(Written for Miss Poole, and sung by her in the character of cowslip.)
When other friends are round thee,
Where Hudson's wave o'er silvery sands
Heigh-ho! for a husband!--Heigh-ho!
I clasp your hand in mine, Willie,
Ah, woman!--in this world of ours,
Woodman, spare that tree!
Adapted to a Spanish Melody.
Near the banks of that lone river,