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Soule of my soule! my Joy, my crown, my friend!
Come, my Ardelia, to this bowre,
Whom does this stately Navy bring?
Content, the false World's best disguise,
WHat on Earth deserves our trust ?
Come, my Lucasia, since we see
If I could ever write a lasting verse,
I CANNOT hold, for though to write were rude,
Soule of my soule! my Joy, my crown, my friend!
Adieu dear object of my Love's excess,
Twice forty months of Wedlock did I stay,
Wee falsely think it due unto our friends,
Had I ador'd the multitude, and thence
I Have examin'd and do find,
My dear Antenor now give o're,
We will not like those men our offerings pay
I did not live until this time
Forbear, bold youth; all 's heaven here,