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Dear mother, dry those flowing tears,
Come to the casement, we'll watch the snow
The rose-tints have faded from out of the West,
Thou art home at last, my darling one,
Say, art thou angry? words unkind
"Child of my love, why wearest thou
Why turn from me thus with such petulant pride,
"Oh, Earth, where is the mantle of pleasant emerald dye
The following verses were suggested by a touching ceremony which lately took place in the chapel of the Congregation Convent, Notre Dame, Montreal, the beloved Institution in which the happy days of my girlhood were passed. The ceremony in question w
Oh! gladly do we welcome thee,
Hush! speak in accents soft and low,
The noontide sun streamed brightly down
Silence now reigns in the corridors wide,
By the side of a silvery streamlet,
How hushed and still are earth and air,
Darkly falls the autumn twilight, rustles by the crisp leaf sere,
Glitt'ring balls and thoughtless revels
"Oh! Autumn winds, what means this plaintive wailing
'Twas near the close of the dying year,
With buoyant heart he left his home for that bright wond'rous land
A glorious pageant filled the church of the proud old city of Rheims,
Among the haughtiest of her sex, in noble, quiet pride,
Another pang for Southern hearts,
"The heart knoweth its own bitterness"
Yes, leave my side to flirt with Maude,
"Beloved! thou'rt gazing with thoughtful look
The snow-flakes were softly falling
To all my fond rhapsodies, Charley,
Other harvests there are than those that lie
The world had chafed his spirit proud
The earth was flooded in the amber haze
He stood on the wood-crowned summit
How busily those little fingers soft
In the hour of grief and sorrow,
Around the castle turrets fiercely moaned the autumn blast,
It will be in the recollection of many of our readers that during the famine years of 1847 and 1848 there was an unusual emigration from Ireland to Canada and the United States. Numbers of those who thus left their native land expired from ship fever
The moon from solemn azure sky
I sit by the fire musing,
O aptly named, Illustrious One!
Of many gifts bestowed on earth
Faded and pale their beauty, vanished their early bloom,
In Memoriam.
I have passed the day 'mid the forest gay,
Lonely and silent and calm it lies
Close beside the crystal waters of Jacob's far-famed well,
With what a flood of wondrous thoughts
My simple story is of those times ere the magic power of steam
* Won by the "Allies" during the Crimean war though with great losses in killed and wounded.
'Neath the radiance faint of the starlit sky
How oft I've longed to gaze on thee,
It is now two hundred years and more
"Open the coffin and shroud until
'Tis midnight, and solemn darkness broods
He sat by the dusty way-side,
O say, dear sister, are you coming
She stands in front of her mirror
Buried in childhood's cloudless dreams, a fair-haired nursling lay,
Fair as a wreath of fresh spring flowers, a band of maidens lay
The clouds that promise a glorious morrow
Hush, mourning mother, wan and pale!
All hail to thee, noble and generous Land!
Earnest and sad the solemn tale
'Twas a wild and stormy sunset, changing tints of lurid red
"Father!" a youthful hero said, bending his lofty brow
The place is fair and tranquil, Judaea's cloudless sky
Upon his sculptured judgment throne the Roman Ruler sate;
"Wo worth the chase. Wo worth the day,
The dusky warriors stood in groups around the funeral pyre,
Throughout the country for many a mile
O Madonna, pure and holy,
Well have Canadians chosen thee
On proud Mount Royal's Eastern side,
(Written during sickness).
Softly the sunbeams gleamed athwart the Temple proud and high -
* In process of demolition when this poem was written. The Recollect Friars purchased the ground on which the church in question was built in 1692, and on it they constructed a temporary chapel. The actual edifice, however, was not erected till about
Few poets yet in praise of thee
'Tis no wild and wond'rous legend, but a simple pious tale
The day was o'er, and in their tent the weaned victors met,
'Twas not a palace proud and fair
Friends! do you see in yon sunset sky,
'Neath the olives of Samaria, in far-famed Galilee,
Amid the flowers of a garden glade
In the far green depths of the forest glade,
Bright glittering lights are gleaming in yonder mansion proud,
Soft and holy Vesper Hour -
"O maiden, peerless, come dwell with me,
The night lamp is faintly gleaming
What does time whisper, youth gay and light,
In days long gone by it was the custom of the Indian warriors of the forest to assemble at the Great Cataract and offer a human sacrifice to the Spirit of the Falls. The offering consisted of a white canoe, full of ripe fruits and blooming flowers, w
"Child of the Woods, bred in leafy dell,
"Thou hast been to the forest, thou sorrowing maiden,
In a fair and sunny forest glade
'Mid silken cushions, richly wrought, a young Greek girl reclined,
The lights yet gleamed on the holy shrine, the incense hung around,
They grew together side by side,
Whilst others give thee wond'rous toys,
Gentle Lily with this Album my warmest wishes take,
Young mother! proudly throbs thine heart, and well may it rejoice,
Fair tiny rosebud! what a tide
I leave for thee, beloved one,
Warriors true, 'tis no false glory
Oh, Villa Maria, thrice favored spot,
Virgin of Bethlehem! spouse of the Holy One!
We welcome thy coming, bright, sunny Spring,
Written during the Civil War in the United States.
Nay tell me not that, with shivering fear,