Song. On Peace.

A poem by William Cowper

Written in the summer of 1783, at the request of Lady Austen, who gave the sentiment.

Air—“My fond Shepherds of late.”

No longer I follow a sound;
No longer a dream I pursue;
O happiness! not to be found,
Unattainable treasure, adieu!

I have sought thee in splendour and dress,
In the regions of pleasure and taste;
I have sought thee, and seem’d to possess,
But have proved thee a vision at last.

An humble ambition and hope
The voice of true wisdom inspires;
‘Tis sufficient, if peace be the scope,
And the summit of all our desires.

Peace may be the lot of the mind
That seeks it in meekness and love;
But rapture and bliss are confined
To the glorified spirits above.

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