London Types - VI. 'Liza

A poem by William Ernest Henley

'LIZA'S old man's perhaps a little shady,
'LIZA'S old woman's prone to booze and cringe;
But 'LIZA deems herself a perfect lady,
And proves it in her feathers and her fringe.
For 'LIZA has a bloke her heart to cheer,
With pearlies and a barrer and a jack,
So all the vegetables of the year
Are duly represented on her back.
Her boots are sacrifices to her hats,
Which knock you speechless - like a load of bricks!
Her summer velvets dazzle WANSTEAD FLATS,
And cost, at times, a good eighteen-and-six.
Withal, outside the gay and giddy whirl,
'LIZA'S a stupid, straight, hard-working girl.

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