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"MY dears, whatever are you at?
"Who's afraid of a cat?" said he;
"Shake hands, shake hands my little girl,"
I hear a Song
"It's bedtime, bedtime, Cissy dear,
A BUNCH of Christmas Roses, dear,
IT'S Father's boat we're watching,
There are days of summer sunshine,
Bring Frost, bring Snow,
Like clouds that flit across the sky,
Little Bo-peep has lost her Sheep,
Only half an hour or so
"You are a naughty pussy-cat,
The tiny crocus is so bold
"I DON'T believe that Santa Claus will come to you and me,"
Polly's the mate of the Nancy Lee,
Once there lived, I'm not sure where,
"I HAVE a little Bunny with a coat as soft as down,
Shall I sing you a song, not short and not long,