A Sad Tale.

A poem by Lizzie Lawson

"Who's afraid of a cat?" said he;
"I'm not afraid of a cat."
He was a bird who sat on a rail,
With five other birds, and this was his tale.
"I'm not afraid of a cat."

"I might be afraid if I were a mouse,
Or even if I were a rat:
But as I'm a bird
I give you my word
I'm not afraid of a cat."

A cat and her kits came down on the scene,
Five birds flew over the rail;
Our hero was caught
As quick as a thought,
And didn't he alter his tale!

"You've made a mistake, Mister Cat," said he;
"You must please let me go, Mister Cat.
I'm not at all nice,
I don't taste like mice:
You'd much better have a young rat."
Said the cat, "It's no use,
You may be a goose,
I'll not let you go for all that."

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